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.NET Reflector V6 Released

1 min read

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With this latest release of the recently acquired Reflector tool, Red Gate have provided both free and paid versions. The free version only has a couple of new features, the first of which was already available in the TestDriven.NET add-in for Visual Studio:

Red Gate have decided to bundle a trial of the paid version along with the free one. Even though they are still releasing a free version, I find the forced bundling of the trial a little annoying. They are certainly trying to sell this as a good thing on their website:


The paid version, marketed as .NET Reflector Pro, is actually a Visual Studio add-in and offers some additional features:

These certainly are very cool features, but ones that I would like to be given the option of trailing. Regardless, at the end of the day Reflector is still free, and still rocks!
